No one loves being ignored, especially by your own family. In this ad, when this boy got fed up of being ignored, He turned it into a moment of inspiration. And he inspired the family! If you have a family, it will inspire you too!
The post They Ignored Him, But What This Boy Does In Return Will Amaze You! appeared first on ChristiansMag.
The early morning quiet greets me most mornings at 5:00 AM. The darkness is still an inky black and the only light comes from the bedside lamp I turn on to start my day. There is a complete hush of quiet broken only by the throwing back of the comforter and my footsteps padding into […]
The post I Have A Date // The Weekend Brew appeared first on Barbie Swihart.
Diana Butler Bass sent this photograph that was taken the day I described in yesterday's post about Marcus Borg.
Statue Gospel Track Telugu The craftsman stretches out his rule, He marks one out with chalk; He fashions it with a plane, He marks it out with the compass, And makes it like the...
The post Statue Gospel Track Telugu appeared first on Gospel Daily.
Mankind is god Gospel Track Telugu But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,...
The post Mankind is god Gospel Track Telugu appeared first on Gospel Daily.
Since I embarked on this journey of giving I’ve been bombarded with extra mail. The letters above are the ones I received Tuesday. ( I crossed out my name for privacy’s sake. I like you but I don’t need you to know where I live ) The most intrusive one I’ve received is from […]
The post The Marketing You’re Subjected to When Giving to Larger Ministries appeared first on Tithe(H)acker.
Links for your weekend reading:
Ben Reynolds, our music leader at Immanuel Nashville, wasn’t there in the early days. But he said to me not long ago, “Ray, my impression of the original core group at Immanuel is that you guys were so wounded and exhausted and hurting that no one in the group even had the emotional energy for selfish agendas.” I said, yes, that was probably true. Then Ben added, “And I think the Lord looked down on that and said, ‘Well, there’s a church I can use.'
Seven Principles of Sabbath Rest
Here are seven principles about Sabbath rest that I am learning. I share them in hopes they might help others fighting the battle of busyness, fatigue, and endurance.
Two Big Reasons Evangelism Isn’t Working
We need to see evangelism as a long-term endeavor. Stop checking the list and defeating others. Be incarnate not excarnate in your evangelism. Slow down and practice listening and love. Most conversions are not the result of a single, point-in-time conversation, but the culmination of a personal process that includes doubt, reflection, gospel witness, love, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Eight Reasons Why Some Full-time Pastors and Staff Should Go Bivocational
Without a doubt, many churches will always need full-time vocational pastors and church staff. I am not suggesting all of you, even the majority of you, should go bivocational. But I do believe more of you should consider this path. Allow me to offer eight reasons why.
Three Leadership Lessons from Winston Churchill
Here are three leadership principles from Winston Churchill that I draw from Paul Johnson’s biography, each with a corresponding lesson for us in leadership today.
Our creativity, charisma, and carefully crafted sentences are pathetic substitutes for truly preaching the very Word of God.
Ammunition for the Fight Against Porn
This is your ammunition — truths accomplished by God, knowledge given you by his grace.
Two years ago I took a vow never to tell a lie. Here is what happened.
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I look forward to the day when we all have glorified bodies and minds through the new life God gives through Jesus Christ. In that day, we will no longer have learning disorders, growth impediments, or mental slowness. These things we notice because they are unnatural; a process of growth did not complete itself.
At birth, we are simple and instinctive. As we grow, we start to develop language skills, critical thinking, and reasoning abilities. These continue to mature throughout the remainder of our lives. Usually, our largest amount of growth occurs between infancy and young adulthood. Just as we see growth happen naturally, so does it spiritually happen when we are given new life through Christ. We start to learn and grow in God’s life. At the start, we need certain things to grow. Supernatural experiences and various gifts from God typically characterize the beginning of our growth process. But one day, we will no longer need these elementary things from the Lord. One day, we will completely know everything there is about God; we will be with Him, intimately connected to Him, and inseparable from Him. All that we will have is Love Himself. After all, God is love. While on this earth, we are growing. We are learning up to the point when we meet Jesus face to face. So, we are children learning and growing to put childish things behind us and looking forward to the time of completeness.