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Kindle deals for Christian readers Heresy by Alistair McGrath—$1.99 (may end at any time) On Guard by William Lane Craig—Free (ends today) Heroes of the Holy Life by Wesley Duewell—$1.99 Today is also $5 Friday at Ligonier, where you’ll find a whole bunch of great resources on sale, including: Heroes of the Christian Faith teaching series by R.C. […]

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5 books Christians should read on Church history

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it, as the old saying goes. And while you might want to roll your eyes, here’s the rub: it’s absolutely true. I’ve outlined my reasons for encouraging Christians to read church history in greater detail previously, but it bears repeating: if we do not know the […]

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The Fight to End Extreme Poverty


The idea of being able to end extreme poverty in the world often feels overwhelming. But with the latest news from the United Nations, coupled with independent research about our sponsorship program, it no longer feels unattainable. In fact, it could even be accomplished within our lifetime. This good news is our motivation to fight harder than ever before to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name!

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Allowing God to Mingle Himself with us to be the Church, the Mingling of God and Man

Social Media Management

Are you in the process of building your brand? Do you want to increase brand awareness utilizing social media? I can help. I have a wealth of experience that ranges from managing my personal accounts to managing the accounts of organizations and businesses. Currently, I handle the social media accounts of the church that I pastor,...

Grace Covers All of Your Sins

We all have things in our past we're not proud of. But we have to remember that every person we lock eyes with (including the person we saw in the mirror this morning) needs grace and forgiveness. We have to let our past die, because if we don't, it will not allow us to truly live! Jesus WANTS for us to have a life that is filled with joy! He knew every stupid,...

Women of the Word

I recently read Jen Wilkin’s first book, Women of the Word.  I thought perhaps a review of the book would be helpful for others considering reading it or for those who haven’t yet heard of it.  



Five entries in the Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture (Sheffield Phoenix Press). Entries include: Nunc dimittis My brother’s keeper Ascension Tender mercies Jehoiachin     “Church Dinner” in the November/December 2005 edition of the now-defunct Rev! Magazine.           “Doubling Down on Jesus” in Volume 1, Issue 1, of the Great Commission...

Abandon Your Heart to Jesus

Church of England seeks 'online pastor' to boost digital engagement

A diocese in the Church of England has become the first to reach out for an "online pastor" to engage with young people in particular across digital media.

This Guy Keeps Pranking His Mom with a Fake Dog, and It Keeps Working. Adorably Hilarious…

When this young man got a hold of a life-size stuffed dog, he couldn’t help using it to startle his mom. It was just too easy to resist…

Deepen Your Experience of Scripture With Bible Gateway’s New Scripture Engagement Section

You may not identify it as such, but all your searching, reading, comparing, and sharing of the Bible on Bible Gateway are the beginning elements of what’s called “Scripture Engagement.” They’re only the start because fully engaging the Bible is a growing, developing, relational process that has as its ultimate objective enjoying a deep, meaningful, […]

Zechariah 4: Testable History

In Zechariah 4, God presented a very testable prophecy. The angel told Zechariah that that the Temple was going to be completed under the rule of Zerubbabel. Zec 4:9  The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts […]

Prepare my eyes to see my sin



Day 23

Open my eyes to see my sin, wow that is heavy.
It's difficult sometimes to really open our eyes and look at ourselves and who we really are. It is as if we were looking at some horrific scene, we turn your eyes away from the unpleasant, unlovely, terrifying reality of our sinfulness.
As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one; Romans 3:10
For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23
I remember being a young Christian and someone saying, "name your sin, don't sugarcoat it, name it."
Instead of saying I am a sinner, Lord forgive me of my sins.
Try to say,
Lord I have lied, I am a liar, forgive me for lying.
Lord I have wished harm on someone, I am a murderer for wishing them harm.
I have had lustful thoughts, I am an adulterer
Or my personal favorite
I am a gossiper, I gossip, Lord forgive me for gossiping.
Something changes when we look squarely in the eye of our sin and realize it is us who wears that odor, it is not pleasant, it is not fun, it is unpopular to admit this. When our eyes are open to our sinfulness, we can come openly before God.
The good news is Jesus loves us and says that we are his friend. We are forgiven of our sins if we will just come honestly before Him and ask to be a
washed in his blood, his forgiveness and then in his restoration.
Thank you Jesus for cleansing me, for making me look at my sin. Only you can remove that stain of our sin. Would you make me white as snow, white as snow, white as snow?


This Smart-ass Dad Answered His 11-month-old’s Daycare Survey with Complete Honesty

Last year when little Emma was beginning a stint at a daycare, she and her parents were given a questionnaire to fill in so the staff could know a little more about her. Since 11-month-old Emma hadn’t picked up even the most basic writing skills yet, Dad took it upon himself to fill in the […]

Bishops suspend all Catholic masses in Niger as Charlie Hebdo protests continue

All Catholic masses and activities in Niger have been cancelled.

Old Family Cat Explains the Human’s Super Bowl Behavior to the New Kitten

The way we humans act during the big game is peculiar…especially to the cats. Fortunately, this house cat has been around long enough to catch on so that he can explain the insanity to his adorable little protege… Next… Smug Old Cat Gives New Kitten Advice for Dealing with the Family Dog

Singing over His people

Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. He is talking about Jerusalem in this verse. They are His people. It is a clear picture of how […]

The female 'taint'? Why some bishops won't be laying hands on Philip North

A row over women bishops is overshadowing the new Bishop of Burnley's consecration February 2.
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