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5 books Christians should read on Church history
The Fight to End Extreme Poverty
The idea of being able to end extreme poverty in the world often feels overwhelming. But with the latest news from the United Nations, coupled with independent research about our sponsorship program, it no longer feels unattainable. In fact, it could even be accomplished within our lifetime. This good news is our motivation to fight harder than ever before to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name!
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Allowing God to Mingle Himself with us to be the Church, the Mingling of God and Man
As the Body of Christ, the church is the enlargement of Christ, the enlargement of the One who is the mingling of God and man. God’s purpose is to mingle Himself with His chosen people so that He would become their life, nature, and content, and so that they would become His corporate expression. The Lord […]
The post Allowing God to Mingle Himself with us to be the Church, the Mingling of God and Man appeared first on A Normal Believer in Christ.
Social Media Management
Grace Covers All of Your Sins
Women of the Word
Abandon Your Heart to Jesus
CONNECT WITH ME: God calls us deeper – to abandon our heart to Jesus. To go further and further into his waters of love. Waters that feel like they may overtake us, overwhelm us or overpower us, but still, he calls us there. I want to go to that depth with him. I want to see his […]
The post Abandon Your Heart to Jesus appeared first on Purposeful Faith.
Church of England seeks 'online pastor' to boost digital engagement
This Guy Keeps Pranking His Mom with a Fake Dog, and It Keeps Working. Adorably Hilarious…
Deepen Your Experience of Scripture With Bible Gateway’s New Scripture Engagement Section
Zechariah 4: Testable History
Prepare my eyes to see my sin
Day 23
It's difficult sometimes to really open our eyes and look at ourselves and who we really are. It is as if we were looking at some horrific scene, we turn your eyes away from the unpleasant, unlovely, terrifying reality of our sinfulness.
Try to say,
Lord I have wished harm on someone, I am a murderer for wishing them harm.
I have had lustful thoughts, I am an adulterer
Or my personal favorite
I am a gossiper, I gossip, Lord forgive me for gossiping.
Something changes when we look squarely in the eye of our sin and realize it is us who wears that odor, it is not pleasant, it is not fun, it is unpopular to admit this. When our eyes are open to our sinfulness, we can come openly before God.
washed in his blood, his forgiveness and then in his restoration.
Thank you Jesus for cleansing me, for making me look at my sin. Only you can remove that stain of our sin. Would you make me white as snow, white as snow, white as snow?