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Glorified Baby-Sitting: Getting Beyond Youth Ministry Games

As a youth minister, I love games and as a youth group we play a lot of them. I think games are good. I think having fun is an important element in youth groups and in churches. However, our goals as youth ministers must go beyond fun and games as well. One way we can do this by keeping in mind the “big-picture” themes of youth ministry.

John Ortberg: The Care and Feeding of the Soul

Reviewing John Ortberg’s Soul Keeping has been like getting back in touch with an old friend. Although I never heard John live at any of the times I was at Willow Creek, I am a huge fan of his writing. Media such as the If You Want To Walk On Water You Have To Get […]

James Gray on Mastering the Bible


James M. Gray (1851-1935) was one of the most famous Bible teachers of the early 20th century. He was a key player in the generation that established the Bible institute movement, serving as dean/president of Moody Bible Institute for more than two decades. He had

The post James Gray on Mastering the Bible appeared first on The Scriptorium Daily.

What will they hear next weekend?

Easter always has a lot of buzz around it, both from Christian and non-Christian sources. News outlets are always looking for a big, salacious Jesus-related story to plaster across magazine covers, newspapers and websites. Over the last few years we’ve seen big “exposés” on the gospel of Jesus’ wife, the Jesus family tomb, and the gospel of […]

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Logos 5.2a: Updates to Library View

Today’s post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials. Logos 5.2a recently came out. It introduces several changes, including enhancements to the View and Prioritize features. The view icon has been replaced […]

The 10 Most Popular Books of the Bible (and Why)

Jeffrey Kranz (@Jeffrey_the_Red) of The Overview Bible Project created the following Infographic from Bible Gateway’s online usage data. The top-10 most-read books of the Bible on BibleGateway.com are Psalms, Matthew, John, Romans, Proverbs, Genesis, Luke, 1 Corinthians, Isaiah, and Acts.

Another Maternal RU-486 Fatality - This Time in Ital


The Family Research Council has tracked safety news about the abortion drug, mifepristone (RU-486; also, Mifeprex®), since its approval as an abortifacient in 2000 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is with sadness that we learned on April 11 of another fatality from the use of the RU-486 abortion regimen. (RU-486 is the first drug administered in a two-drug abortion-producing regimen in which the second drug is misoprostol (Cytotec®).)

An Italian news source (The Local) carried an online article about the death of a 37-year-old woman who was treated at theMartiniHospital inTurin. The woman had taken the mifepristone but only started to experience difficulties four hours after taking the misoprostol – which she did two days after taking the first pills. The misoprostol is needed to induce forceful uterine contractions to expel the dead baby (a human embryo at that point) and other tissue from the uterus.

After taking the misoprostol, she complained of not being able to breathe normally. Shortly, thereafter, she began to experience atrial fibrillation, an irregular, rapid heartbeat. Her heart then stopped and could not be revived. She was in good health and the mother of a four-year-old boy.

I believe there have been about 15 cases of death following the use of the mifepristone abortion regime of which we are aware. Nations likeChinaare not even on the adverse event reporting grid, and the drug is used heavily in the PRC. Hemorrhage, infection, and incomplete abortions are common failures of all chemical abortion regimens.

LifeNews has posted an excellent story on this Italian death that contains more information on the safety of RU-486. Also, in May 2012 the Family Research Council published a paper containing a safety profile for the mifepristone-misoprostol regimen from 2000-12.

You are Seen, Loved, and Commissioned. Now Go.

Yeah, I see you come in. It’s strategically 9 minutes past and you know the lights are dimmed and people are standing and the music is blaring so when you slip in the back row, along with the others who arrive late, no one even notices you. You carry ink on your skin - you’re covered. You’ve got punctured metal in weird places, and that odor permeating through your clothes will likely give you away, but you slip in at 9 minutes past because people are distracted and hopefully no one will notice. Yeah, but I see you.

Los Angeles Travel Deals

$189-$199 — Weekends at Downtown Los Angeles 4-Star Hotel Stay in the heart of downtown L.A. near the Staples Center and LA Live. Travel select dates through July. $184 & up — 4-Star Los Angeles Hotel w/Wi-Fi, Reg. $284 Near Hollywood, with on-site restaurant and lounge, spa, outdoor saltwater pool, and more. Travel now through December 31, 2014. $170 [...]

Dancing With Jesus

We spent Easter with the outcast--the lame, the halt, the thieves, the alcoholics, the drug-addicts, the murderers. We spent Easter dancing with Jesus. He loves us. Whether we’re thieves, adulterers, liars, cheats, gluttons, alcoholics or murderers, He loves us. Whether we see Him in a fancy building with stained glass windows or dancing with us in the streets, He’s there. He’s alive. If you haven’t seen Him, walk with those who do see Him. Perhaps you’ll catch a glimpse. Perhaps He’ll come and sit with you. Perhaps He’ll dance with you.

There Among Them


 “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”- Matthew 18:20.Dear ones, do you often feel isolated and left out? I know I do. I rarely have the health to go and do anything. Just sitting upright or interacting with a group is exhausting and can set me back […]

The post There Among Them appeared first on Renewed Daily.written by

Why Didn’t I See It the First Time?


The first time—in fact the first two times—I watched 12 Years a Slave in preparation for my annual lecture on the Academy award nominees for best picture, I really saw nothing about the faith of the slaves in the picture. But in fact, in one crucial scene near the end of the movie, Solomon Northup, […]

The post Why Didn’t I See It the First Time? appeared first on Relief: A Christian Literary Expression.

Mondays Are For Ministry – “Foundations Wk 15, Sunday Night Worship”

The challenges of putting on a Christian event in secular England

After a week of evangelistic events in Winchester, Steve Lee is familiar with all kinds of hurdles but also has lots of ideas about how to make them better for today's sceptical, visual, instant gratification generation

We Saw Them Become Orphans



It was our fourth time to Africa, but our first time to go as a pair. Tim was hired by The Alliance for Children Everywhere to write some scripts, shoot some video, and edit it for a curriculum churches and schools will use back in the states that will help raise awareness and funds for […]

The post We Saw Them Become Orphans appeared first on Anne Marie Miller.

Links To Go (April 21, 2014)

The Easter sermon I won’t preach… but wish I could I wish I could say how they are missing the point. I want to share with them how they are not OK. I want to say quit being offended because … Continue reading

Watch vines grow in fast motion and you’ll see them spin in circles, looking for something to grow on

Before climbing vines can twine their way upward, they have to find something to twine along. And when you speed up footage of their growth, you can see exactly how they do this…

Fun Ways to Find New Ministry Volunteers

It’s spring–time to refill those volunteer vacancies. What’s your strategy for filling those spots with excited, faithful volunteers? Bringing in new faces can feel like a full time job and it can require a bit of skill and patience. Why not make it fun? This year, approach your challenge with a few new tactics. Now […]

Don’t divorce an NYT article from sharp reporting

It’s especially crucial for journalists to, well, GetReligion when the story is about a “get.” That religious divorce paper — called a “get” — is important for traditional Jews, especially Jewish women. Without it, they cannot marry someone else under religious law. That gives ex-husbands a whip handle over the women — either to coax [Read More...]

The baptism of Jesus: Perspective

I want to conclude this series within a series by trying to put the baptism of Jesus into its proper place. I’m a strong believer in observing what emphasis Scripture itself puts on certain stories and certain ideas (a lesson … Continue reading
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