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Roma Downey, Mark Burnett to Produce New TV Series 'Unveiled' on NBC

Roma Downey and Mark Burnett are extending their collaboration with NBC from "A.D." this spring to another television series, "Unveiled," the network announced on Friday.

When You Hit Bottom and Things are Great at the Same Time

NLT Ps. 51:3 For I recognize my rebellion;     it haunts me day and night. 4 Against you, and you alone, have I sinned;     I have done what is evil in your sight. I realized yesterday that I had hit bottom. Let me qualify that a little, I realized that I had hit bottom in one specific area […]

A Powerful Song That Shows God's Love and Redemption for All

This is a very powerful song that reminds each and every one of us that God is with us. In this video, you will hear different people share their testimony. Francesca Battistelli's music video for "He Knows My Name" will touch your heart.

A Murderer and a Minister are ‘Set Free’ in Moving Works’ Latest Documentary

AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 26, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — Christopher LaPel was a young man when he escaped the clutches of the Khmer Rouge regime in the late 1970’s. Nearly wasting away in a labor camp, LePel fled for his life and eventually found refuge in the United States. Upon receiving his freedom, LaPel knew that one day […]

Watch How These Adorable Girls React to Their Mom's Good News

It's funny how our parents can get the best reactions out of us when they surprise us with something. These two girls were completely caught off guard and shocked by the news their mother gave them.

1 Year In God’s Word: Day 26 — Genesis 23-24, Matthew 17

Genesis 23 Focus Verse: Sarah lived to be a hundred and twenty-seven years old. (1) Sarah is the only woman to have her age at her death recorded in the Bible. This shows how great she was respected and what a Godly life she lived. Sarah was not perfect, but the Bible tells us that […]

Why Is It So Hard To Make Time For Ourselves? #soulrestbookclub

Wk2_bibleQuotePoeima3{enjoy today’s Words For Your Soul Goodie. feel free to share this graphic.} Why is it so hard to make time for ourselves?  When God first dreamed of us in his heart, along with the beautiful sunsets He paints every dawn – dotting leaves on every tree and playing sweet sounds over pebbles in a brook – you and I were all created to be God’s works of art. But, we often neglect our hearts, prioritizing the frenzy of stress, just surviving, fear of saying no – or fear of saying yes to what feeds our soul — or just plain too much of everything because we don’t want to miss out or fail to meet other’s expectations/demands. We end up leaving leftovers for ourselves instead of refreshing our soul. We’re like a beautiful painting put to the side, covered up and forgotten. How can God paint into our hearts, if we don’t uncover time in our hearts and schedules for spiritual whitespace – so God can whisper words and fill us with rest and refreshment? And guess what? The paint God uses is unique to our own soul language – unique to your personality, story and experiences. There is no one who enjoys the kind ...

Does the Church still need Missionaries?

With the diversity of ethnicities represented in our own communities, with the advancement of social technologies, with ‘churches’ springing up virtually everywhere, with the ever rising dangers of a world in conflict, and with the sheer availability of the gospel even in the remotest of places, why does the Church still need missionaries? Isn’t the

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Blacklight Bible Object Lesson-Do You See Any Sin?

Until recently, black lights in my ministry were only used a few times year, mostly when the youth were doing their annual rendition of “Arise My Love” for Easter, complete with white gloves. The other day, I was looking for an item I could use to help kids understand the concept of “hidden sins.” The […]


Social Media Management

Are you in the process of building your brand? Do you want to increase brand awareness utilizing social media? I can help. I have a wealth of experience that ranges from managing my personal accounts to managing the accounts of organizations and businesses.

Web Design

Are you planning to design and build a website for yourself or your business? Don’t know where to begin? Want something great looking and easy-to-use? I can help. I have created websites for municipalities, churches, businesses and individuals. The websites range from the informational to the interactive, the simple to use to the ‘our IT team will take it from here.’ 

Saint January 27 : St. Angela Merici : Patron of Sickness, Handicapped, loss of parents


Feast Day:January 27
21 March 1474, Desenzano del Garda, Province of Brescia, Lombardy, Italy
Died:27 January 1540, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy
Canonized:May 24, 1807, Rome by Pope Pius VII
Major Shrine:The Merician Centre (including the now subterranean Church of St Afra, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy)
Patron of:sickness, handicapped people, loss of parents
Angela Merici was born on March 21st, 1474, at Desenzano on  Lake Garda; left an orphan at the age of ten she was brought up by her uncle and on his death went to live with her brothers. She was a devout girl and, having joined the Third Order of St. Francis, devoted herself to teaching children. As her work became known she was asked to go to Brescia where a house was put at her disposal and a number of women came to join her; she was thus enabled to establish a religious association of women, under the patronage of St. Ursula, who, remaining in the world, should devote themselves to every sort of corporal and spiritual work of mercy; but the particular emphasis was on education. Angela's methods were far removed from the modern idea of a convent school; she preferred to send her associates to teach girls in their own families, and one of her favorite sayings was, 'Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family'. It was by educating children in the milieu in which they lived that she strove to effect an improvement in social conditions.

Angela Merici is known now as the foundress of the Ursuline nuns—and so she was, but despite her own inclinations. In reality she was in advance of her own times. Her plan of religious women without distinctive habit, without solemn vows and enclosure, was directly contrary to prevailing notions at her period, and under the influence of St. Charles Borromeo at Milan and subsequent papal legislation (under St. Pius V) the Ursulines were obliged to adopt the canonical safeguards then required of all nuns.
Angela Merici died in Brescia on January 27th, 1540.

SOURCE: http://www.ewtn.com/saintsHoly/saints/A/stangelamerici.asp#ixzz1kfFaqYI2

May Jesus’s Name Be Known Through Me

May Jesus’s Name Be Known Through Me

Jesus came on mission, lived on mission, died on mission, and left his disciples — including all of us who follow him today — on mission. Conversion is about commission, not just salvation, because we’re not saved to be saved, but saved to be sent. Redemption is a life-saving rescue, but it also involves a profound rewiring and repurposing. We are saved to go out into the world for the glory of our Jesus — to make him known as our Lord, Savior, and greatest Treasure.

How is that mission accomplished? What plan did Jesus bring to make himself known in the world? Well, it began with a small group of confused, unqualified, and unknown men that walked with Jesus — and even one of them betrayed him to death.

Jesus “called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits” (Mark 6:7). Jesus could have chosen the experienced, well-educated teachers of the day. He could have commissioned the crowds that gathered in city after city — thousands and thousands of people. Instead, he picked twelve seemingly random guys, stayed with them his whole ministry, and sent them out to speak on his behalf.

Sent by Jesus for Jesus

These twelve “went out and proclaimed that people should repent” (Mark 6:12). They were men with a message, summarized here in one word: repentance. “Repent” appears just one other time in Mark’s Gospel. Jesus announces, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). Repentance — turning away from sin, from other gods, from lesser treasures — is the fitting response of a sinful people to the good news of a holy, sovereign, and gracious God.

It was a condition for salvation (Luke 13:3, 5), but it was so much more than a condition. Repentance is living, breathing, and believing faith. Why would we continue walking in sin when we’ve seen the path of life, when we’ve heard the gospel — the medication all our sin-sick souls so desperately need? This was the message in the disciples’ mouths. There is a Name that loves the unworthy, redeems the hopeless, heals the sick, and conquers every evil. His name is Jesus.

Sent with Nothing, and Yet Everything

Before the disciples went out with the news, Jesus “charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff — no bread, no bag, no money in their belts — but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics” (Mark 6:8). Why make them live and serve like homeless guys? They certainly didn’t have to. They had the bread, the bags, and the jackets. Jesus has just given them authority over unclean spirits (Mark 6:7) and the ability to heal the sick (Mark 6:13). Why would he intentionally make their journey so hard, hungry, and precarious?

To make and keep them humble and dependent on God. Those entrusted with the greatest news in the world and empowered to be lights where they live will always be tempted to be proud and self-reliant. It’s a profound, but pervasive irony that fruitfulness so often causes us to forget the sovereign love of God upholding and empowering all our ministry. One way to avoid the trap is to intentionally forego safety and comfort, even safety and comfort we can afford to provide for ourselves.

Sometimes we need to make ourselves trust God for what we need tomorrow, instead of structuring our lives to only need him every once in a while, when an unexpected crisis comes. Leave what you need at home, and know that you’ll have what you need. Your Father loves you more than you know and has more at his disposable than you could possibly fit in that bag — or house, or 401K (Matthew 6:33–34).

Sent to Stay and Invest, Not to Bail

Jesus went on to say to these messengers, “Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you depart from there. And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them” (Mark 6:10–11). These disciples — as well as his disciples today — will meet two kinds of people when we go into the world for Jesus. Some will receive us and listen to what we have to say. Others will reject us — cut us off and close the door.

If they will listen, Jesus says, do not leave too quickly. Stop, stay, and invest where the word of God is welcomed. Don’t feel the need to move on to another house and another house. If they’ll have you and this gospel, be willing to stay awhile. This was likely a shorter trip for the twelve, but the principle applies today in fast-moving, over-scheduled society. Make room in your day, your month, your priorities to sit with men and women who will hear God’s word. Don’t be in such a hurry that you can’t patiently invest where God is moving in the ears and hearts of those around you. When he opens a door for the word (Colossians 4:3), walk through it.

Sent to Speak, Not to Save

Some will not listen. We should expect this in a world enslaved to sin and blind to the beauty of God. Don’t be shocked when you hear, “Thanks, but no thanks,” or worse. It doesn’t mean you necessarily picked a bad time or said it wrong. The gospel is the most offensive news you can bring — even though it’s also the sweetest, most true, most hope-filled news anyone could hear. You are wicked to your very core, broken in every way, and destined for unending wrath at the hands of an all-powerful God. And your only hope is in one message and one Man, no other. No wonder the world so often scoffs and screams at Christianity.

Jesus didn’t tell the disciples to stay until their audience surrendered. No, he said some will listen and others will not. I am not sending you to save, but to speak. I — and I alone — am the one who saves. Our commission is not to create listeners, but to discover them, and then make disciples of them. “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. . . . they will listen to my voice” (John 10:14–16).

Sent to Simply Change the World

How long were the disciples gone? We don’t know, but it seems like it wasn’t long. And there were only twelve of them, just six sets of two. That’s probably smaller than your small group. So how much could they really get done? The next verse says, “King Herod heard of it (the ministry of the twelve), for Jesus’ name had become known” (Mark 6:14). They went out, six pairs of poor, ordinary, untrained, unlikely spokesmen, and what God was doing through them rose to the attention of the highest official in their land. Through their small and simple ministry, Jesus’s name became known in that city.

God will reveal his fame even through his bread-less, bag-less, penniless, but faithful followers. God will exalt the name of his Son through us — going before us in the hearts of our listeners, then sending us to speak the good news to them, all the while promising to go with us and provide us with everything we need along the way, and finally fulfilling and completing all that he calls us to do. Jesus’s name will be known, and believed, and treasured. May it happen through me.

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