Ridiculous Religiosity
I am going to go on record here: that this pastor was compelled to apologize represents his denomination’s ridiculous religiosity and their complete failure to understand and practice love of neighbor....
View ArticleThe World Does Not Define Us
An Offensive Faith Matt Moore is a Christian blogger who openly acknowledges his struggle with same sex attraction. He has written extensively of a past spent pursuing sex with other men, drinking,...
View ArticleWill God keep His promises?
God has made many promises in the Bible. Because God has promised something does this mean that it will definitely happen? Here in these Bible verses we see that, because of who God is, every promise...
View ArticleA Review of the Everlasting Man
Title: The Everlasting Man Author: G. K. Chesterton My Rating: 3/5 The Everlasting Man is second in my series of books to spend my year with G. K. Chesterton. I continue to appreciate Chesterton for...
View ArticleWestboro’s Phelps Family: America’s Most Hated Family in Crisis
text before contentLouis Theroux of the BBC does a video expose of Westboro Baptist’s Phelps family. I hate calling them a church and hate calling them Baptists though I know those are empty labels....
View Article23rd Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer for the Addicted
CLEARWATER, Fla., Feb. 6, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ — The weekend of April 6 – 7, 2013 has been designated as the 23rd Annual “Just Pray NO!” to drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting. Since...
View ArticleAn Open Letter To My Fellow Evangelicals
This is addressed to those who, like me, identify themselves most closely with the evangelical movement. While I feel there is much here that can be applied to other denominations, movements and...
View ArticleHow to Control your Desires
1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I’ve read this passage a number of times but it was only last night that it made sense to me....
View ArticleMaryAnn McKibben Dana on God Complex Radio
How do you practice Sabbath in this busy, stressed-out world? Is Sabbath just a luxury for those who don't have kids? read more
View ArticleTryer’s Remorse
Artwork by Julie Chen. Visit her gallery here. With the arrival of the winter months, there are all sorts of ailments floating around including colds, the flu, and “buyer’s remorse.” [...]
View ArticleHow To Be A Social Artist Ninja
“A person who lives right has more power in his silence than another has by words.” ~Phillips Brooks My gal pal Elyssa shines and sparkles as a friend-extraordinaire. Not only [...]
View ArticleThree Themes to Preach from Leviticus
I admit it, I haven’t preached through Leviticus. For many people it is the book that undoes their read through (my suggestion? Read faster and get the sweeping history rather than trying to...
View ArticleWhy We Need Plumbers . . . and Pastors
The desire to affirm all callings has sharpened. Many now rightfully see all vocations as equally valid ways to glorify God. I applaud this move toward a more holistic understanding. Yet amid the...
View ArticleFraud?
“If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don’t take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get...
View ArticleLike Father (and Mother), Like Son
Carlo's parents knew right away that he was meant for greatness since he was born with two healthy legs. Both Carlo’s mother and father have polio.My Account l Sponsor a Child l Help Babies and Moms l...
View ArticleBecoming Both Daughter and Mother
Women are strong, strong, terribly strong. We don’t know how strong we are until we are pushing out our babies. -Louise Erdrich, The Bluejay’s Dance: A Birth Year Last November, I discovered that I was...
View ArticleWhy the Smallest Movements Bring God the Greatest Pleasure
I wanted to try and expand my world, even if just whisper-thin. I had come to a place where my new normal looked nothing like it did before. I was someone who was walking through post-traumatic stress....
View ArticleWorth a Look 2.7.13
Kindle Deal of the Day: Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright. $3.99. Wright makes the case for Christian faith from the ground up, assuming that the reader has no knowledge of...
View ArticleWhen The Path Of Trust Meets The Road Of Disappointment
I was certain that God would come through. We prayed, cried, read the Word and chose to believe that He would make a way where there seemed to be no way. Surely, God would not ask us to give up our...
View ArticleEgogesis: Interpreting the Bible with Only You in Mind
Here is a thoughtful guest post by Mary DeMuth, an author and speaker whose blog, Your LIfe Uncaged, is about discovering the secret to impossible joy. recently watched a famous pastor exegete an Old...
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