It’s All In Your Perspective
Last week Pete Wilson reported on an insight he had while up in my part of the world, so even though this is shorter, I kinda had to include it here!! Click here to read at Pete’s blog where this was...
View ArticleCats Superbowl Party
Downstairs: A well-dressed reveler arrives, as previous guests doff exo-togs at a handy hat rack. Climbing a ladder to the second floor, partiers pile up on at least two chairs to watch the big game. I...
View ArticleSuper Bowl
6:20 p.m. E.S.T. I am going to blog the Super Bowl for a while. Children from Sandy Hook School and Jennifer Hudson just sang America the Beautiful. Now Alicia Keys is singing the national anthem,...
View ArticleMore on God the Father - 4 - Patristics
Reblogged from THE DIVINE HEART OF GOD THE FATHER: After we have undergone purification and illumination, "God no longer comes to us as before without appearance and without image . . . He comes under...
View ArticleDeath By Meeting: Read This Before Our Next Meeting
It’s been a month since you’ve settled on your New Year’s resolutions. How’s that working out for you? Here’s one worthy change in your routine that might have missed your list — but it is easy to...
View ArticleNew Report: Angels & Aliens in Texas Schools
What would Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark think of public school Bible courses that taught that Jewish festivals are actually typological predictions of Jesus, that the “African races” are...
View ArticleSpiritual Warfare Pt. 1: 1 Peter 5:8-9
This is the first of a two part series on Satan and his tactics. In this teaching, we will consider: Who he is? and What is his motive for opposing us?
View ArticleMichigan University Denies It Removed InterVarsity From Campus
The University of Michigan has denied that it removed a chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship from campus because the group's bylaws require religious qualifications for leadership and bar gays...
View Article“Ode to Joy” performed by kicking a broken plate around under a bridge
Not sure if autotune is involved in this video from composer Matyas Wettl. It’s enjoyably creative either way… (via Boing Boing)
View ArticleCompetition as Red Herring
Most companies look to their right and to their left when considering what they need to do to stay innovative and ultimately more profitable than their competitors. Their competition and their...
View ArticleThe Desire to Look at Porn and Mastrubate is Stronger around V-Day
Love is in the air. Oh the joys, except for the select few like myself and like several of you who will be “forever alone” this V-day season. I remember in high school how the couples would go to the...
View ArticleChurch of the Future
Considering the major changes we have seen towards and against Christians recently, have you thought what the church of the future might look like?
View ArticleSuper Bowl Commercial | God Made A Farmer
A model of effective, powerful communication...and maybe the best Super Bowl commercial I've ever seen. Never before has my whole family turned breathless.
View ArticleSecurity of the One Who Trusts in the Lord
Watch this Video: Psalm 91 is an inspiring summary of the sort of protection you can expect if you walk with God. Psalm 91 91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow...
View ArticleFor how long have You known me, God?
You may have had a sense of God, and even a relationship with Him, for as long as you can remember, or you may have only known Him for a short while. But, how long has God actually been in your life?
View ArticleCondemnation of Heretics
The condemnation of the early heretics is itself condemned as something crabbed and narrow; but it was in truth the very proof that the Church meant to be brotherly and broad. It proved that the...
View ArticleThere Is No “Me and Jesus” in the Bible
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible by E. Randolph Richards & Brandon J. O’Brien IVP Books (2012) Part Two of a series. One major...
View ArticleThe One Where I (Attempt To) Vlog Again
So sweet Jen from Finding Heaven Today issued a challenge that was so timely I couldn’t even believe it. Or really, I can but still . . . I just love how He works. Jen encouraged others in the Soli Deo...
View ArticleFear Not: Ye Are My Witnesses
Isaiah 44:8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Suggested Scripture reading – Isaiah 44:6-18 The funeral was over. The...
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