Wonderful Counselor, Symbolically, as of Yesterday, exactly 2012 years ago, the countdown began for our Heavenly Father’s Salvation plan for the Souls of mankind, which by itself is a Testimony of His Manifold Wisdom. A plan He formulated from the cradle of Creation, and engaged its commencement at Your birth in Bethlehem on Zero BC or Zero AD. LORD, we stand prepared and ready for Your call to Serve, as the stages that Your Prophets have foretold are unfolded. Our Focus remains that we continue meditating on Your Unadulterated Truth, spreading Your Glorious Gospel of Love, to every corner of this fragmented earth, awaiting Your next Command. Prince of Peace, our Infinite GOD who exist outside of time, as we approach 2013 AD (Anno Domini – In the Year of You, LORD), we recognize that because of this CHRISTmas Season, ALL of creation, sub-consciously and unknowingly bow in Worship at Your Majesty, because History was separated by Your coming, and time was divided by Your Presence, the flow of the Universe stopped when You became man. LORD, every Religion and /or Belief, subliminally Testifies to Your Glory, and acknowledges Your Power. Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, our King of Kings and LORD of LORDs, we realize that the Signs and Wonders are indicating that Your second coming is at hand, and at that time every creature living and dead, shall consciously and knowingly bend their knees in adoration of Your Awesome Glory, and every tongue shall cry out in Praises at Your Magnificence. From the Angels in Heaven, to the defeated devil, and his diabolical demons in their deep, dark dungeons, we will all lie on our faces in Worship, Exalting You, LORD JESUS. ABBA Father, remove the plugs from our ears and the scales from our eyes, so that we can hear Your voice and see Your face. LORD, we say Yes to Your Holy Spirit, as He reveals all Truths to us. LORD GOD, wash us in the Precious Blood of Your Son JESUS, and Create in us Pure and Clean hearts, and Renew right and steadfast Spirits in us. Help us to be ready for Your grand arrival, when You call the living and the dead to meet You in the sky, so that we shall not be left behind to suffer in the Tribulation. Father in Heaven, we Humbly say this Prayer in the name of Your Begotten, Crucified, Buried and now Resurrected Son, our LORD and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST….AMEN!!
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