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A Second Christmas poem..

Captured last week during the meteor shower. A planet (either Venus or Saturn) shining through light cloud coverage.

Here is a second poem that I wrote that was read at the Christmas Eve service. Two readers went back and forth, alternating lines, as they shared about Jesus being the good news!

The Good News

He has come.

Finally he is here.

I've waited so long, expecting this day.

Yes, the Promised One has arrived.

There are over 400 prophecies about the coming Christ.

And He fulfilled every one of them.

Yes, every one of them pointed to the Messiah.

And every one finds fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth.

The Christ child.

The center of our Christmas celebration.

God sent himself.

Humbly He came.

He left the glory and praise of heaven - to come to live among his creation.

The tender child.

We've come to look upon him.

We've come to worship him.

Yes, the King was born on this day. A Savior. A Redeemer.

For God so loved the world.

That he sent his one and only son.

He looks so small, so helpless.

Yes, the Christ child cries out on this silent night, this holy night.

The joy of looking on a baby. Especially on this baby.

Soon he will be presented at the temple.

Simeon will see salvation.

He will look upon the revelation to the Nations.

He will see the glory of God in this child.

Not long from now he will be called the Lamb of God.

Yes, the one who came to take away the sins of the world.

Not long from now he will call disciples to himself.

And they will leave everything to follow him.

He will walk in perfect righteousness.

He will teach with authority like never before heard or seen.

He will heal. Sometimes with just a touch.

Sometimes by the power of his word. Sometimes, with no words at all.

People will follow him.

Others will depart from him.

Still others will rise up against him in hatred.

This small sweet child,

will be hated.

The Christmas child will be opposed and rejected.

He came to serve.

Not to be served.

He came as a ransom for many.

He came to go to the Cross.

But look at him, this small child, innocent, perfect.

Yes, the perfect sacrifice of God. The innocent One came for the guilty.

He came to give victory. He came to conquer sin and death.

In and through Him, we will be called more than conquerers.

By faith in Him, we will find salvation and forgiveness.

He alone will give everlasting joy!

This child that resonates God's mercy and love.

This child is determined to pay the highest price.

Yes, with his own blood, his sacrifice on the Cross, he poured out the love of the Father.

The good news isn't just that he came.

The story doesn't end there.

The Christ child doesn't remain in the stable.

Yes, by God's design, He goes to the Cross.

And on that cross, he cries out, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

On the cross, he takes upon himself my sin.

He takes the wrath of God upon himself as the Father turns his back on sin.

That was my sin. That was the wrath that I deserved.

The good news isn't just that he went to the cross.

No, the story doesn't end there either.

The grave will not be able to hold this Christ child.

No, this babe will conquer death itself.

Christ will be risen. Christ is risen!

Yes, He is risen indeed.

He predicted it, yet those closest to him did not understand.

But he is risen.

The good news is that God sent Jesus.

The good news is that Jesus was born of a virgin.

The good news is that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

The good news is that He is risen.

The good news on that Christmas morning, was Jesus.

The good news today, is still Jesus.

He is the good news. He is the gospel.

But the good news doesn't end there.

The gospel impacts us. The gospel changes us.

The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

The gospel is the power of God in transformation.

The gospel isn't just at the start of new life; it’s the fuel that keeps us going and growing every day.

The good news says that I cannot save myself, that's why Jesus came.

The good news says that I cannot live by my own strength, that's also why Jesus came.

The gospel is for now.

The gospel says that I have no righteousness. 

The good news is that Jesus' righteousness is the basis for my relationship with the Father.

The gospel says that I cannot please the Father.

The good news says that Jesus already did!

The gospel tells us we can't earn the approval of God.

The good news says that Jesus has already earned God’s full approval for us.

The gospel never starts with what I need to do; 

it always begins with what God has already done -- in Christ.

The gospel tells us that what God has done for us in Christ is infinitely more important than anything we do for him.

Jesus is the good news. Jesus is the gospel.

We've come to worship him.

We've come to give him praise.

And we go from this place declaring the good news about Him.

To Him be all glory and honor!

Forever and ever.


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