Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, the man who claims to be behind Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend, has told Dr. Phil that he did the whole thing because he was in love with Te'o. Tulasosopo denied that Te'o had anything to with his own catfishing, and instead takes full responsibility for creating a crazy-elaborate online persona (falsetta voice and all) in order to have some semblance of a relationship with him. Dr. Phil talked to The Today Show about his interview with Tuiasosopo, saying, “I asked him straight up, ‘Was this a romantic relationship with you?’ and he says ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘Are you then therefore gay?’ And he said, ‘When you put it that way, yes.’ And then he caught himself and said, ‘I’m confused.’” Well, you and everyone else, Mr. Tulasosopo. Of course, now it's difficult to not see this whole thing as the product of a very broken individual. Unless you are a television executive, in which case you see this whole thing as a ratings bonanza ...