Rob Schwarzwalder Speaks Out on Boy Scout Issue
FRC’s Senior Vice President, Rob Schwarzwalder, was recently interviewed on Fox News about the possible Boy Scout policy change that would go against the BSA’s “scout honor.” The Boy Scouts of America announced in July that after a 2-year study they would keep the current policy, one they’ve had since the beginning. Yet, they once again are being pressured to reconsider their decision.
FRC Files Amicus Briefs for the Upcoming Supreme Court Cases on Marriage
As seen in the Herald Online Article, FRC filed amicus briefs to oppose previous court decisions regarding marriage. Hollingsworth v, Perry (California’s Proposition 8) and United States v. Windsor (a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act) will be presented to the Supreme Court in about a month. Tony Perkins stated that:
“The health of our nation's families determines the strength of our nation. Redefining marriage only undermines the societal purpose of marriage which has always been to build healthy families and provide children with both a mom and a dad. The Supreme Court must strike down the lower court decisions against the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8.”
FRC Event on Human Slavery Teaches Justice
The recent FRC event entitled Human Trafficking: Modern Slavery was highlighted in an article featured in Juicy Ecumenism. The event featured the Honorable Linda Smith, founder and president of Shared Hope International, and Mark Blackwell, who is the founder and president of Justice Ministries. They spoke about the horrific injustice of human trafficking that takes place here in the U.S. and called the church to action. As Blackwell stated, “Jesus is the author of abolition and if he is not included in this fight there is no hope.”