Most of the time, regular insults will put you in your place just fine. "Jerk." A classic. "Take a hike." Always strong. But there are times when regular insults are just a little too mundane and every day for you. You need to be insulted by a professional. By a hero of the faith, as it were. And for all those times, the Lutheran Insulter has been brought to our attention. Why settle for the old "shut up" when you could go for, in the words of the Great Reformer, "Your words are so foolishly and ignorantly composed that I cannot believe you understand them." Why just feel left out when you could have to brace yourself against, "I would not smell the foul odor of your name." It's a sign of just how far insulting has fallen that we have to reach back to the Reformation for these sorts of quality insults but then, let's just be thankful we still have access to them at all ...