I constantly catch myself responding to my family in a negative tone.
It happens most often when I’m feverishly working at something important when somebody repeatedly calls my name in question format. Ya’ know, like, “Mom? Mommy? Mamamamamamamamaaaaaaaaa?????”
It sounds like somebody loaded a machine gun with whines. Eek. It sets me on edge, big time.
All I want to do put the meal in the oven, or not miss my exit on the highway, or finish that last sentence of an article. Suddenly my agenda is invaded by the inopportune. So I answer with, “What?! What is it? What do you want?”
My tone startles me sometimes.
I don’t want my people to feel like nuisances. To-do lists aren’t as important as responding in kindness. I know this. But I didn’t know where to start to change my responses.
So in one particularly harried, desperate moment when I thought I’d pop a blood vessel trying to restrain myself from snarling a response, I cried out to God.
“Lord, help me. I don’t know how, but I want to be positive and kind like you.”
Just then the word “Yes” came to mind. Yes, I have to change. Yes, I need His help. Yes, He alone can change me. Yes.
Eureka! What is more positive than, “Y-E-S”???
From that day forward I’ve been trying to respond to questions with a “Yes?” instead of “What do you want?” Can you hear the difference in the tones? “Yes,” says, “You are important to me. How can I help you?” But my standard reply of, “What?” says, “How quickly can I get you to be quiet so I can get on with own stuff?”
I still snap… way more than I should. But the Lord patiently reminds me when I do that His way is better. He waits to hear from us (Isa. 30:18). He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). He does not get tired or weary; there is no limit to his wisdom ( Isa. 40:27) He has the answers and He responds graciously.
We have countless opportunities to shower His patience on those around us, but do we seize them?
We can set a sweeter tone. Help us, Lord.
Who can you say “Yes” to this week?
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