Infinitely more important than what matters to any Secretary of State is what matters to God.
For decades, John Piper has traveled the country, and written book after book, saying that God what matters most to God is God — and what difference it makes.
Granted, this doesn’t typically land on the first-time hearers as good news. It feels threatening initially — threatening to our inherently man-centered view of the world and threatening to the way we’ve always understood God as having us at his center.
But what sounds uncomfortable at first can soon become a cause for great rejoicing. Quickly we realize the foundation on which we were standing was much shakier than we thought, and the new foundation of God’s God-centeredness is unassailably more solid and a wonderful impetus to enjoy God like we never have before. God’s own God-centeredness ends up being profoundly good news.
In this new episode of Theology Refresh, we asked Piper about this controversial doctrine, its biblical foundations, and its deep practical implications.
To listen to this 17-minute podcast on the God-centeredness of God, subscribe to Theology Refresh in iTunes, or download or stream from the resource page.
Previous episodes of Theology Refresh:
- R W Glenn on the Grace of God
- Jerry Bridges on the Christian Spiritual Disciplines
- D.A. Carson on the Incarnation
- Erik Thoennes on the Christian and Sport
- Gregg Allison on the Doctrine of the Church
- David Platt on the Doctrine of Hell
- Don Carson on the Wrath of God
- Sam Storms on the End Times
- Tony Reinke on a Theology of Reading
- R W Glenn on the Fatherhood of God
- David Platt on the Doctrine of Suffering
- Francis Chan on the Sovereignty of God
- John Piper on the Gospel and Sanctification
- John Piper on the Gospel and Sanctification (Part 2)
- Kevin DeYoung on the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
- Jerry Rankin on the Great Commission
- Paul Miller on the Doctrine of Prayer
- John Piper on the Celebrity Factor and Pastoral Ministry
- Justin Taylor on the Sanctity of Human Life
- Jared Wilson on the Doctrine of the Trinity
- Ray Ortlund on Union with Christ
- Russell Moore on the Person of Christ
- Darrin Patrick on Biblical Complementarity
- Ed Stetzer on Spiritual Warfare
- Kevin DeYoung on Scripture