The Salt Lake Tribune published a story on a smoothie shop in Vernal City, Utah, that charges liberals more for their drinks. Sure. It's called "business." But the comment section found something truly bonkers: a boss who fired Obama supporters. "We had to let two employees go to cover new Obongocare costs and increased taxes," Terry Lee of Terry Lee Forensics wrote. "Found two Obongo [a racial epithet for Obama] supporters and gave them the news yesterday. They wanted the idiot in the Whitehouse [sic], they reap the benefits." In a follow-up interview, Lee tried to say that the employees' politics weren't the only factor in the firing decision, but he defended it anyway. "Is your political affiliation protected?" he asked rhetorically. "I don't believe it is, but I don't know." Crazily enough, he's right. AOL News says that California, New York, Connecticut, Colorado and Mississippi have laws that prevent employers from firing over political views. But in Utah and the rest of the 44 states, Lee's decision is protected by the government. So, great. Definitely building bridges, totally focusing on how the things that unite us are greater than the things that divide us and certainly not driving a wedge even deeper into an already deeply and sadly partisan country ...