So I had a very interesting day, but I am very blessed. I am sharing so that someone will understand you choose to make your day as bad as you want it. This morning when I intended to leave to get to school, my car wouldn't start as a result minor panic set in. Then, luckily my housemate and classmate volunteered to take me to school with her. I was elated for the moment and went to get my things from out my car, only to realize I locked myself out of my car with my purse, bookbag and phone inside. At this point I start to freak out, on the verge of tears I suddenly stopped and said this isn't going to fix it. My helpful housemates allowed me to use their phones to call AAA and have them come and assist me. My housemate relayed the message to my program staff that I would be late. At 9am AAA was outside fixing my car, by 9:20 I left to head to class still trying to be on time. Running down the hall with my large rolling bag, I get right outside the door of my class and fall flat on my face only to be helped by bystanders (I wanted to laugh loudly when I fell) I made it to class by 9:35am only 5 minutes late and I didn't allow my start to be my finish. I smiled, laughed and fully participated in my day. Only to have a ticket for parking on campus. ( I knew I risked that) So my point is that a situation that could have cost way more than $50 only resulted in $50. God kept me sane, logical and placed the right people at the right time. But imagine how my day would have went if I had lost it in the morning.... Choose your attitude!