JEHOVAH YAHWEH, our GOD the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who exist outside of time, we thank You for Your Plan of Divine Salvation, which was implemented from the Foundation of Creation. I AM that I AM, our GOD who is the sum total of all that existed, exist, and will exist, from the Beginning to the End, help us to understand that we are all parts of the same Spirit, only separated from You through sin. ADONAI, our LORD of LORDs, and King of Kings, we Honour, Extol, and Glorify Your Majestic name, for You are the Ruler of the Universe. There is nobody greater than You. EL ROI, our GOD who sees ALL, we know we can’t hide from You, in all that we do, so teach us to live within Your Truth, that we can experience the Fullness of Joy in Your Presence. ELOHIM, our GOD of ALL-Power and Might, may our Lives be testimonies to Your Omni-Potency, and as we advance in Your Kingdom, may we exhibit the Dominion over our environment, which we were created to have. JEHOVAH NISSI, the LORD our Banner, we Pray that You go before us at all times, as You direct our paths, making a Perfect way for us. Lead us onto the Spiritual battlefield, for we know You shall stand with us always. JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, our Omni-Present GOD, we Petition You for Your Guidance to take us through every circumstance and situation, with which we are confronted daily, for we feel Your Presence at our sides, at all times. EL OLAM, our Everlasting GOD, who fainteth not, neither becomes weary, as we struggle in our imperfections, Renew our Strength, when we become faint, and mount us Eagles’ when we become weary. JEHOVAH JIREH, our GOD of Infinite Provision, we stand on Your Promise that You are our only Source for all that we need, and shall depend on You with unflinching Faith. EL ELYON, our Most High GOD, our Supreme GOD over ALL, Exalted over every other GOD that we have created in our rebellion to You. We acknowledge Your Sovereignty and bow before You in Humble Worship. JEHOVAH ROHI, the LORD our Shepherd, who shall lead us into the Paths of Righteousness, and Guide us as we walk in the Valley of death, so we shall have no fear. Your Rod and Your Staff shall comfort us EL SHADDAI, our Almighty GOD who Blesses us beyond our greatest ambitions. We thank You for Your Infinite Blessings, which is like the ocean, we can only see the beginning, but can’t see the end. JEHOVAH RAPHA, The LORD our Healer, we thank You for delivering us from diabolical diseases, designed by the defeated devil to destroy our Temples. We Rebuke the Spirits of sickness, that the enemy inflicts on our family lineages, as a tool to pass through Generational gateways. JEHOVAH SHALOM, we beseech that You give us Your Everlasting Peace, speak to our Hearts, so that we can understand how to overcome these trials we all are experiencing, and be able to serve You in Spirit and Truth, and with Joy and Thanksiving. JEHOVAH SABBOATH, the LORD of Hosts, send a Legion of Your Angelic Warriors, to set up a Protective Hedge around us, as the evil enemy endeavours to undermine our Divine destinies. JEHOVAH MACCADDESHEM, the LORD our Sanctifier, we totally surrender ourselves to You, for Your Holy Spirit to Purge and Purify us of our poisoned pasts, as He prepares us to be in the Presence of Your Righteousness. JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU, our Holy and Righteous GOD, we decree and declare that the Your Blessed Holy Spirit has descended upon us, and Empowered us with Your Spirit of Righteousness, Wisdom, Understanding, Supernatural Might, Knowledge and of the utmost fear in You. JEHOVAH GMOLAH, our GOD who Recompenses us, with the spoils stolen from us, by our evil enemy over the years, we shall experience this overwhelming Restoration, not by our might nor by our Power, but by Your HOLY SPIRT, our Wise Counselor and Comforter, who returns seven-fold, IMMANUEL, our GOD who gave up Your Heavenly Throne, and wrapped Yourself in Fickle Flesh to be with us as man, the LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, GOD’s Perfect man, and man’s Perfect GOD. ABBA Father, as we celebrate You today, we thank You for keeping Your Promise to set us free, in JESUS’ Precious name we Pray….AMEN!!
The post Daily Prayer ~ January 12th, 2013 appeared first on Christians of T&T.