I've just finished a long tour in the Middle East with some friends, and I'm back! I'll write about Iraq, Lebanon, and the Arab League this coming week. But for the weekend, I want to highlight some well needed resources for you and your teenager.
As you know, most of the weekends over the past few months, I've highlighted the importance of focusing on your physical health. I'm convinced we must take careful consideration of our Mind, our Soul, and our Body, if we want to continue pursuing an understanding of God's creation here in the world.
For this weekend, I've asked a friend of mine to help me understand the building blocks of our immune system and how we can begin building a healthy defense to battle the winter sicknesses sure to come.
We all know, healthy eating, sleeping well, and low stress keep our body's defense at a maximum ready state, but according to the experts at Hi-Health, there are a few things we can do to boost our immune system to stay well this winter.
- Elderberries have been used as a folk remedy for centuries in North America, Europe, North Africa and Western Asia to several ailments, especially those suffering from coughs to bacterial infections. You can take Elderberries in the form of syrup, capsules and they even now have them in Gummy Bear chewable for kids. Elderberries taste good; therefore, the child to the adult will enjoy the pleasant taste.
- Hi-Health has an exclusive formula for the immune system called Optim 3® Extra Strength Immune Nutrition with Beta Glucan. Beta Glucan is a scientifically proven biological defense modifier (BDM) that nutritionally modulates the immune response and helps support the immune system. It balances the immune system to provide the proper response at the time needed so the immune system is better prepared for sickness, infection and flu.
- In order for YOU to build a stronger immune system, it's crucial to consume the recommended 5-9 servings of carotenoid-rich yellow and orange hues fruits and vegetables daily. For the past several decades, it's become clear to researchers that people who haven't done so experienced a greater risk of disease. Note: Surveys of a typical diet consistently show that only about 3% of the population are eating enough of the fruits and vegetables known to provide immune-building benefits.
So as you're checking into healthy eating habits this winter, don't forget these top three additions to your regular meals. If we can help fuel our bodies to function as God designed them to be, our thoughts become clearer, our attitudes become more positive, and everyone knows when your healthy, you just feel like facing the world.
It's no mistake Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, with all your Soul, and with all your Mind." If we are on a Journey to see God, we've got to approach this Journey with a comprehensive worldview, or we'll be missing part of His design.
So go ... Be healthy.
And if you're interested in finding these additional supplements at a LOW cost, don't forget to check out Hi Health where you can get an individual health survey designed for your own individual health needs.